
All vessels belong to Suriname

Vessel List

Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
ACT 12 General cargo ship 53.0 9.0
ATHENA Fishing vessel 27.0 8.0
CANAWAIMA Passenger ship
CAT SHARK Fishing vessel 21.95
COESEWIJNE General cargo ship 65.0 13.0
DONA ISA Fishing vessel 24.01
ELMA Oil and chemical tanker 44.2
EVENTIDE II Fishing vessel 22.86
FLOREAT Fishing vessel 24.0 7.9
GRAMORGU Service ship 30.0
JARRABAKKA Service ship 30.0
LEON Fishing vessel 21.01
MINERVA Fishing vessel 24.8 8.2
NORTHWOOD TRADER General cargo ship 30.0 7.1
PACUMA Fishing vessel 21.95
ROCK SHRIMP Fishing vessel 21.95
S 401 Service ship
S 402 Service ship
S 403 Service ship
SABO Tug 30.0 8.4
SEA HUNTER Fishing vessel 26.94
SPARI Service ship 30.0
STAATSOLIE 4 Oil and chemical tanker 57.0 12.2
STAATSOLIE V Oil and chemical tanker 62.0 12.5
WAYAMBO TRADER General cargo ship