
Wellington - NZWLG - New Zealand

Entering the Seaport in Wellington, New Zealand

Approaching the Port

As you approach the seaport in Wellington, New Zealand, you will first see the iconic red and white lighthouse at the entrance. This lighthouse marks the beginning of the channel that leads into the port.

Following the Channel

Once you pass the lighthouse, you will need to follow the channel markers to navigate your vessel safely into the port. The channel is well-marked and maintained, so it should be easy to follow.

Communicating with the Port Authority

As you approach the port, you will need to contact the port authority to request permission to enter. The port authority will provide you with instructions on where to dock your vessel and any other important information you need to know.

Docking Your Vessel

Once you have received permission from the port authority, you can proceed to dock your vessel at the designated location. The port in Wellington has several berths available for vessels of all sizes, so you should have no trouble finding a suitable spot.

Clearing Customs and Immigration

After you have docked your vessel, you will need to clear customs and immigration before you can disembark. The port in Wellington has a dedicated customs and immigration office where you can complete these formalities.

Enjoying Your Stay in Wellington

Once you have cleared customs and immigration, you are free to explore the beautiful city of Wellington. With its stunning harbor, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine, Wellington is a must-visit destination for any nautical enthusiast.
Vessel Name Type Length Class Expires Date Ship manager Estimated time of arrival
OCEAN FLORA (9866639) Bulk carrier Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
THOR NITNIRUND (9714812) Bulk carrier Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
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Vessel Name Type Length Class Expires Date Ship manager Schedule Time
COSCO HAMBURG (9221085) Container ship Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
COSCO HAMBURG (9221085) Container ship Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
COSCO HAMBURG (9221085) Container ship Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
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