
Shipyards and Service Providers for Propeller polishing on trusteddocks.com

Propeller polishing

Propeller is very important and effective device used and it is very important that we keep the propellers safe and they should not get corroded. Propeller surfaces get corroded easily and it is very common and due to this the effectiveness of a propeller will decrease as the time will pass. For this there is a solution which is propeller polishing, this will help the propeller in gaining its effectiveness back and also it could perform well. Also, there is a big impact on fuel consumption if the surface of the propeller is finished properly. Polishing of propeller is done for all ships, and also it is not necessary that the ships should be modern it could be also be done on ships which are old. It is observed that this propeller polishing must be done at least 2 times in a calendar year, so that it would be effective for a propeller. Polishing of propeller could be done as in-water polishing or dry dock polishing. As stated above, polishing propeller has two ways, in-water and dry dock polishing, so in case of in-water polishing, divers are responsible for that, and as it is done in-water the surface finishing is good in comparison with dry dock because the water provides the essential cooling for a smooth surface finish. In dry dock polishing the cost is much higher as compared to in-water polishing. Thus, from the improved surface smoothness and decreased expenses, a submarine propeller polishing can provide further benefits if well designed. References: 1. Propeller polishing (imo.org) 2. When is the best time to polish your propeller? - V.Group (vgrouplimited.com)


Baltic Sea

Caribbean Sea

East Africa

East Mediterranean & Black Sea

Indian Ocean

North America East Coast

North America West Coast

North Asia (Japan, Korea)

North Sea / Atlantic

Red Sea & Persian Gulf

South Africa

South America East Coast

South America West Coast

South Asia

South East Asia (China, Vietnam)

US Gulf

West Africa

West Mediterranean Sea
