
Newbuild OrderbookSHIPYARD / SHIP REPAIR

  1. Shipyards
  2. ›  Indian Ocean
  3. ›  Bangladesh

Chittagong, Bangladesh-Founded in 2000 | Sailing area: Indian Ocean,South Asia

Western Marine Shipyard, known as the leading shipbuilder of Bangladesh. The mother company Western Marine Services was initially formed by a group of marine professionals specialized in ship repairing & export of marine supplies. The major intention of the company’s founders was to develop a cluster of technological excellence to meet global demand of maritime industry. Gradually the company developed as a shipbuilder with its own shipyard in the eastern bank of river Karnaphuli in Chittagong in the year 2000 over a land of 1.5 acre for building inland vessels. Today Western Marine Shipyardmorehide

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Currently 30 ships under constraction / orders for this company.

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