Chengxi shipyard Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary corporation wholly-owned by China CSSC Holdings Limited. The company is located in Jiangyin city, Jiangsu province, at lower reach of Yangtze River, which is adjacent to the important port cities such as Shanghai, Nantong, Zhangjiagang etc. and it is convenient for river and land transportation. The company is mainly engaged in the ship repair & new building, offshore engineering and large steel construction. There are over 10,000 employees in the company including more than 1,200 professional technicians. The company has two ship repair/new building bases in middle China(Shanghai area) including Chengxi Shipyard and Chengxi Shipyard (Xinrong) Co., Ltd., covering a production area of total 1.02 million square meters, a shore line along Yangtze River over 3,500 meters. The two bases have ten deep-water berths, five floating docks with deadweight capacity of 170,000 tons, 120,000 tons, 100,000 tons, 80,000 tons and 50,000 tons respectively, one slipway of 80,000 tons and one inside harbor quay, floating crane of 1,600 tons and other facilities for ship-repairing and shipbuilding. The steel construction division owns twenty production lines for wind mill fabrication and other superior facilities for the fabrication of steel structures. The company has one ship repair base in south China, - Chengxi Shipyard (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (ex. Guangzhou Dockyard) with two graving docks of 200,000 DWT and 300,000 DWT and 1,500m berths in Longxue branch, while one 150,000 DWT graving dock and 1,200m berths in Wenchong branch. The company including three bases has an annual capacity of repairing over 600 vessels up to 300,000 DWT, new building of 25 vessels up to Kamsarmax, steel construction of 150,000 tons, and wind mill fabrication over 1,000 sets.morehide
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