
Newbuild OrderbookSHIPYARD / SHIP REPAIR

  1. Shipyards
  2. ›  South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
  3. ›  China

Yangzhou, China | Sailing area: South East Asia (China, Vietnam)

New Dayang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, previous known as Dayang Shipyard, is jointly re-organized and established by Jiangsu Meida Assets Management Co., Ltd, SUMEC Marine and Yangzhou Yunhe New Town Construction Co., Ltd in 2018. It covers an area of 1,700,000 m2. The advantageous geographic position and shoreline of 1.5km, have made New Dayang Shipyard best harbor for shipbuilding. New Dayang locates in the Yangtze River Delta Area, in the middle of Jiangsu Province, at the intersection of the Great Canal and the Yangtze River, and is a core member of Shanghai Metropolitan Region and Nanjing Economic Zone, and a central city at the north wing of Yangtze River Delta.morehide

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Currently 146 ships under constraction / orders for this company.

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