
Newbuild OrderbookSHIPYARD / SHIP REPAIR

  1. Shipyards
  2. ›  West Africa
  3. ›  Spain

Islas Canarias, Spain | Sailing area: West Africa

Palumbo Shipyard is located in Tenerife (Spain) inside the Port of Santa Cruz. The port is divided into two areas: The South “Darsena de Los Llanos”, which is primarily devoted to repair, cargo unloading, tourist port, free trade zone. The “Darsena de Anaga”, where docks are primarily used for cruise ships, but also by ships waiting to be repaired when requested by the Port Authority based on traffic. The yard also has an anchoring zone sheltered from prevailing winds and draughts. This zone is considered one of the safest zones in the world.morehide

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