From the two Shipyards at Loutulim and Rassaim in Goa, we can deliver any vessel with the dimensions up to 110 meters length X 18 meters wide X 3.3 meters lightship draught. From Loutulim yard we can deliver cargo hatch covers. From Rassaim yard we can deliver sections/ blocks of ships and other fabrications for Maritime industry. From the plate preparation plant at Gadegally, we can deliver shot blasted, primed, cut, bent plates and bent pipes as per drawings.morehide
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The pedigree of GSL dates back to the early 60’s when it offered high quality workmanship in ship repair and modernisation. Today, ship repair and refits range from routine maintenance, repair and surveys to major steel renewal, engine replacement, total machinery overhaul and extensive damage repai ...
The Company was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on 1st May, 1992 under the Companies Act, 1956 and obtained the Certificate of Commencement of Business on 30th June, 1992. Its main objectives are the setting up Ship Repair facilities for Ocean Going Vessels, Ship Building and Ship building ...
Tebma, incorporated in 1984, is primarily engaged in the design and construction of vessels catering to the offshore segment viz GTRV, MPSVs, PSVs, LCVs and AHTS. Tebma has also delivered various types of other vessels such as Tugs, Dredgers,Floating Cranes, LPG carriers,Survey Launches.... To var ...