
Newbuild OrderbookSHIPYARD / SHIP REPAIR

  1. Shipyards
  2. ›  Indian Ocean
  3. ›  India

Kolkata, India | Sailing area: Indian Ocean

Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd (GRSE), is the premier Warship building Company in India, under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence. GRSE since 1960, has built warships for various roles, starting from state of the art Frigates & Corvettes to Fast Patrol Boats. GRSE has played a very important role in the defence preparedness of the country and has always risen to the occasion in the national mission of design and construction of warship indigenously. GRSE has built and supplied close to 700 vessels, to carry men and materials as well as for surveillance of the Coast Line. Apart from ship building and ship repair, GRSE is one of the few versatile shipyards having its own Engineering and Engine Division. On 05 Sep 2006, GRSE was accorded the status of Mini Ratna- Category I. The second phase of shipyard modernisation project was completed and the new facility was inaugurated in June 2013. The modernised infrastructure enables the shipyard to undertake construction of large ships using latest modular construction technology.morehide

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Currently 22 ships under constraction / orders for this company.

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