Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd was established in the westernmost part of Japan on 7 February 1973. Since then, the company has gone on to build more than 600 vessels. Among the various types of vessels it specialises in building bulk carriers, and continues to strive to provide the highest quality ships for its customers.morehide
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Namura Shipbuilding has been active in shipbuilding for over 100 years. The Group now operates three shipyards including Sasebo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd and The Hakodate Dock Co., Ltd. With expertise and skills accumulated and perfected over many decades, it has built a wide array of vessels, inclu ...
Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works is spread over four sites: Main plant, Koyagi Plant, Saiwaimachi Plant and Isahaya Plant. We excel in the building of ships with high added value, such as LNG carriers, and cruise ship and participate in the production of defense and space equipment based on years ...
The ARIAKE SHIPYARD is located in Kumamoto, Japan. It was established in 1965 and is owned by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group. The shipyard specializes in the construction of large commercial vessels, including bulk carriers, oil tankers, and LNG carriers. It has a dry dock that can accommodat ...
The Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works utilized its favorable location on the Kanmon Strait to start operations, with ship repair as a mainstay business, in 1914. At the Enoura Plant, we have manufactured luxury ferries, RORO boats, special-purpose vessels such as cable layers and ocean research ...