
GUANGZHOU 23110019 (IMO: 1020942) - TANKERS

IMO: 1020942

GUANGZHOU 23110019 (IMO: 1020942) is a TANKERS. GUANGZHOU 23110019 vessel length overall (LOA) is 250m, beam is 44m.

IMO 1020942
Length (m/ft) 250.0/820.2
Beam (m/ft) 44.0/144.4
Next Port of Call:
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
GUANGZHOU 23110018 Tankers 250.0 44.0
TORM HELENE Oil and chemical tanker 249.98 44.0 COSCO SHIPPING HEAVY INDUSTRY West Africa
TORM HOUSTON Oil and chemical tanker 249.98 44.0 COSCO SHIPPING HEAVY INDUSTRY US Gulf
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