
BAO DE1116 (IMO: 1026738)

IMO: 1026738

BAO DE1116 (IMO: 1026738) is a . BAO DE1116 vessel length overall (LOA) is nullm, beam is nullm.

IMO 1026738
MMSI 413465160
Callsign BPCP5
Next Port of Call:
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Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
ALFORAT Oil and chemical tanker 137.76 20.8 HEAVY ENGINEERING CO.K.S.C. (HEISCO) Red Sea & Persian Gulf
DIJLAH Oil and chemical tanker 137.76 20.8 HEAVY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES & SHIPBUILDING CO. (K.S.C.) Red Sea & Persian Gulf
ES JEWEL Oil and chemical tanker 137.76 21.0 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD PERTAMA South Asia
GREAT WALRUS Oil and chemical tanker 137.76 21.0 BA SON SHIPYARD South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
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