
VIET THUAN 095 01 (IMO: 1035090) - BULK CARRIERS

IMO: 1035090

VIET THUAN 095 01 (IMO: 1035090) is a BULK CARRIERS. VIET THUAN 095 01 vessel length overall (LOA) is 119.5m, beam is 17.6m.

IMO 1035090
MMSI 574006030
Callsign 3WYD7
Length (m/ft) 119.5/392.1
Beam (m/ft) 17.6/57.7
Current Draught Please log in or register to see more information
Next Port of Call: Dung Quat(DUNG QUAT)
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
VIET THUAN 095 02 Bulk carriers 119.5 17.6 South Asia
Position updated: Please log in or register to see more information Destination: Please log in or register to see more information ETA: Please log in or register to see more information


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