
ASAKAWA 668 (IMO: 1037713) - TANKERS

IMO: 1037713

ASAKAWA 668 (IMO: 1037713) is a TANKERS. ASAKAWA 668 vessel length overall (LOA) is 156.53m, beam is 25m.

IMO 1037713
Length (m/ft) 156.5/513.5
Beam (m/ft) 25.0/82.0
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Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
ASAKAWA 667 Tankers 156.53 25.0
BOW CHEETAH Oil and chemical tanker 149.0 25.0 South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
BOW COUGAR Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 Red Sea & Persian Gulf
BOW JAGUAR Oil and chemical tanker 156.5 25.0 ASAKAWA SHIPBUILDING West Africa
BOW LEOPARD Oil and chemical tanker 149.0 25.0 West Africa
BOW LION Oil and chemical tanker 156.5 25.0 North Sea / Atlantic
BOW LYNX Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 ASAKAWA SHIPBUILDING South America East Coast
BOW PANTHER Oil and chemical tanker 156.5 25.0 Red Sea & Persian Gulf
BOW TIGER Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 US Gulf
SOUTHERN OWL Oil and chemical tanker 156.5 25.0 DAMEN SHIPREPAIR ROTTERDAM North Sea / Atlantic
SOUTHERN PUMA Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 CERNAVAL SHIPYARD (STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR) North Sea / Atlantic
SOUTHERN QUOKKA Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 EDR Antwerp Shipyard South America East Coast
SOUTHERN SHARK Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 EDR Antwerp Shipyard Indian Ocean
SOUTHERN XANTIS Oil and chemical tanker 156.53 25.0 South America East Coast
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