
SUMITOMO 1420 (IMO: 1043695) - TANKERS

IMO: 1043695

SUMITOMO 1420 (IMO: 1043695) is a TANKERS. SUMITOMO 1420 vessel length overall (LOA) is 243.8m, beam is 44m.

IMO 1043695
Length (m/ft) 243.8/799.9
Beam (m/ft) 44.0/144.4
Next Port of Call:
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
ANDROMEDA Oil and chemical tanker 243.8 44.0 Caribbean Sea
ARIADNE Oil and chemical tanker 243.8 44.0 South America East Coast
EROTOKRITOS Oil and chemical tanker 243.8 44.0 Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry - CSSC Red Sea & Persian Gulf
ESTEEM COWBOY Oil and chemical tanker 237.0 44.0 North America West Coast
PENELOPE Oil and chemical tanker 237.0 44.0 West Africa
SOUTHERN RESPECT Oil and chemical tanker 188.0 32.0 North Asia (Japan, Korea)
SUMITOMO 1418 Oil and chemical tanker 243.8 44.0
SUMITOMO 1419 Tankers 243.8 44.0
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