
Scheldevliet (IMO: 1066881) - GEN. CARGO FREIGHTERS

IMO: 1066881

Scheldevliet (IMO: 1066881) is a GEN. CARGO FREIGHTERS. Scheldevliet vessel length overall (LOA) is 89.42m, beam is 13.2m.

IMO 1066881
Length (m/ft) 89.4/293.4
Beam (m/ft) 13.2/43.3
Next Port of Call:
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
AMADEUS SAFFIER Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2 North Sea / Atlantic
IJSSELVLIET Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2
MAASVLIET Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2 HOLLAND SHIPYARDS BV North Sea / Atlantic
RIJNVLIET Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2
SARDIUS Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2 North Sea / Atlantic
WAALVLIET Gen. cargo freighters 89.42 13.2
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