IMO: 9132466|
New Zealand
AMALTAL MARINER (IMO: 9132466) is a Fishing Vessel registered and sailing under the flag of New Zealand. AMALTAL MARINER was built in 1996. AMALTAL MARINER vessel length overall (LOA) is 37m, beam is 9.66m.
IMO | 9132466 |
MMSI | 512002681 |
Callsign | ZMAM |
Type | Fishing Vessel |
Length (m/ft) | 37.0/121.4 |
Beam (m/ft) | 9.7/31.7 |
Current / Max Draught | |
Deadweight (t) | |
Class | |
Next Port of Call: | |
Last Docking |
Year of Build | 1996 (30 years old) |
Scrubber |