IMO: 9228318|
ZY SUNRISE (IMO: 9228318) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Panama. ZY SUNRISE was built in 2000. ZY SUNRISE vessel length overall (LOA) is 174.38m, beam is 27.7m.
IMO | 9228318 |
MMSI | 355439000 |
Callsign | H3ME |
Type | Oil And Chemical Tanker |
Length (m/ft) | 174.4/572.1 |
Beam (m/ft) | 27.7/90.9 |
Current / Max Draught | |
Deadweight (t) | |
Manager | |
Class | |
Insurer | |
Next Port of Call: | Balikpapan(ID BPN) |
Last Docking | |
Class Expire Date |
Year of Build | 2000 (26 years old) |
Main Engine | |
Main Engine Builder | |
Scrubber |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
ALPACA | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.4 | 27.7 | ASMAR TALCAHUANO SHIPYARD | South America West Coast |
BOW HECTOR | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.38 | 27.7 | COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD | South America East Coast |
CHEM GUARD | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.38 | 27.7 | Yiu Lian Dockyards (Zhoushan) Limited | Baltic Sea |
CHEMROAD DITA | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.4 | 27.7 | COSCO (ZHOUSHAN) SHIPYARD CO., LTD | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
CHEMROAD ECHO | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.38 | 27.2 | Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRDD) | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
CHEMROAD HAYA | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.4 | 27.7 | Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRDD) | South Asia |
CHEMROAD JOURNEY | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.39 | 28.0 | Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRDD) | West Africa |
FAITHFUL STAR | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.38 | 27.7 | CHANGXING SHIPYARD (COSCO) | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
PACIFIC STAR | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.38 | 28.0 | CHANGXING SHIPYARD (COSCO) | South Pacific Ocean |
SEA GULL | Oil and chemical tanker | 174.0 | 27.7 | Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRDD) | South America West Coast |