IMO: 9397456|
HANNA (IMO: 9397456) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Malta. HANNA was built in 2008. HANNA vessel length overall (LOA) is 183m, beam is 32.23m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
FAIR BREEZE | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.0 | 32.23 | COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD | Indian Ocean |
MRC NAZENDE | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.0 | 32.2 | CINDEMIR SHIPYARD | US Gulf |
PRIVE ANGEL | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.0 | 32.2 | CHANGXING SHIPYARD (COSCO) | East Africa |