IMO: 9424259|
OGUZ SOFUOGLU (IMO: 9424259) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Panama. OGUZ SOFUOGLU was built in 2008. OGUZ SOFUOGLU vessel length overall (LOA) is 93.62m, beam is 14.55m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
GUNDEM AZRA | General cargo ship | 93.62 | 14.55 | SANMAR SHIPYARD TUZLA | North Sea / Atlantic |
GUNDEM MAKBULE | Bulk carrier | 93.62 | 14.0 | DENTAS SHIP BUILDING AND REPAIR CO. IND. | North Sea / Atlantic |
OMER SOFUOGLU | General cargo ship | 93.62 | 14.55 | CEKSAN SHIPYARD | North Sea / Atlantic |