IMO: 9431006|
WILSON NEWCASTLE (IMO: 9431006) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Norway. WILSON NEWCASTLE was built in 2011. WILSON NEWCASTLE vessel length overall (LOA) is 123.04m, beam is 16.5m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
WILSON NANJING | General cargo ship | 123.04 | 16.5 | REMONTOWA SHIPREPAIR S.A. | Baltic Sea |
WILSON NANTES | General cargo ship | 123.13 | 16.5 | WESTERN SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
WILSON NARVIK | General cargo ship | 123.04 | 16.5 | LOSINJSKA PLOVIDBA - BRODOGRADILISTE D.O.O. | West Mediterranean Sea |
WILSON NEWPORT | General cargo ship | 123.03 | 16.5 | BALTYCKI TERMINAL ZBOZOWY SP. Z.O.O | North Sea / Atlantic |
WILSON NICE | General cargo ship | 123.07 | 16.5 | CERNAVAL SHIPYARD (MALAGA) | Arctic Sea |
WILSON NORFOLK | General cargo ship | 123.04 | 16.5 | BALTYCKI TERMINAL ZBOZOWY SP. Z.O.O | North Sea / Atlantic |
WILSON NORTH | General cargo ship | 123.05 | 16.5 | REMONTOWA SHIPREPAIR S.A. | North Sea / Atlantic |