IMO: 9440241|
ARKLOW MANOR (IMO: 9440241) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Ireland. ARKLOW MANOR was built in 2009. ARKLOW MANOR vessel length overall (LOA) is 137m, beam is 21m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
ARKLOW MARSH | General cargo ship | 136.5 | 22.0 | BABCOCK Rosyth | North Sea / Atlantic |
ARKLOW MEADOW | General cargo ship | 136.5 | 21.0 | DALES MARINE SERVICES LEITH | West Mediterranean Sea |
ARKLOW MILL | General cargo ship | 137.0 | 26.0 | TALLINN SHIPYARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
ARKLOW MOOR | General cargo ship | 136.47 | 21.0 | DALES MARINE SERVICES LEITH | North Sea / Atlantic |
ARKLOW MUSE | General cargo ship | 136.47 | 21.0 | BALTYCKI TERMINAL ZBOZOWY SP. Z.O.O | North Sea / Atlantic |