IMO: 9584487|
HELENA SCHEPERS (IMO: 9584487) is a Container Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Portugal. HELENA SCHEPERS was built in 2012. HELENA SCHEPERS vessel length overall (LOA) is 151.74m, beam is 23m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
BERNHARD SCHEPERS | Container ship | 151.72 | 23.4 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
HEINRICH | Container ship | 151.74 | 23.0 | 6Sigma Marine | North Sea / Atlantic |
KATHARINA SCHEPERS | Container ship | 151.72 | 24.0 | NAVAL SHIPYARD (PGZ) | Baltic Sea |