IMO: 9624811|
LADY ANNA (IMO: 9624811) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Netherlands. LADY ANNA was built in 2012. LADY ANNA vessel length overall (LOA) is 88m, beam is 13.35m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
LADY ADELE | General cargo ship | 88.0 | 13.35 | DAMEN SHIPREPAIR HARLINGEN | North Sea / Atlantic |
LADY ALEXANDRA | General cargo ship | 88.0 | 13.35 | RIGA SHIPYARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
SCOT NAVIGATOR | General cargo ship | 88.0 | 13.35 | MMS SHIP REPAIR AND DRY DOCK | North Sea / Atlantic |