IMO: 9666560|
ESSHU MARU (IMO: 9666560) is a Gas Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Bahamas. ESSHU MARU was built in 2014. ESSHU MARU vessel length overall (LOA) is 288m, beam is 48.94m.
Year of Build | 2014 (12 years old) |
Main Engine | |
Main Engine Builder | |
Scrubber |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
LNG JUROJIN | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 48.94 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | Australia/Oceania |
LNG MARS | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 49.0 | MITSUI E&S - YURA SHIP REPAIR DEPT | South Asia |
LNG SATURN | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 48.94 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | Indian Ocean |
LNG VENUS | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 48.94 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | North Asia (Japan, Korea) |
OCEANIC BREEZE | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 49.0 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | North Asia (Japan, Korea) |
PACIFIC MIMOSA | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 49.0 | MITSUBISHI (MHI) YOKOHAMA DOCKYARD | South Asia |
SEISHU MARU | Gas tanker | 288.0 | 48.94 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | South Asia |
Current position and nearby shipyards
Visited Shipyards
Length Overall | |
Length Bp | |
Breadth Registered | |
Breadth Moulded | |
Draught | |
Draught Winter | |
Draught Tropical |