IMO: 9743760|
ORIENTAL JASMINE (IMO: 9743760) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Panama. ORIENTAL JASMINE was built in 2015. ORIENTAL JASMINE vessel length overall (LOA) is 134.03m, beam is 21.62m.
Year of Build | 2015 (11 years old) |
Main Engine | |
Main Engine Builder | |
Scrubber |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
CHEMICAL CHALLENGER | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.03 | 21.0 | ODESSOS SHIPREPAIR YARD SA | US Gulf |
CHEMICAL CONTENDER | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.03 | 21.62 | ODESSOS SHIPREPAIR YARD SA | US Gulf |
CHEMICAL ENTERPRISE | Oil and chemical tanker | 136.03 | 22.0 | MUKAISHIMA DOCKYARD | East Mediterranean & Black Sea |
CHEMICAL HUNTER | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.03 | 22.0 | ASAKAWA SHIPBUILDING | North Sea / Atlantic |
ORIENTAL SAKURA | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.03 | 21.0 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | South Africa |
SOUTHERN BELUGA | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.99 | 23.2 | North Asia (Japan, Korea) | |
SOUTHERN VULTURE | Oil and chemical tanker | 134.9 | 23.2 | SANWA DOCK CO., LTD | South Asia |
Current position and nearby shipyards
Visited Shipyards
Length Overall | |
Length Bp | |
Breadth Registered | |
Breadth Moulded | |
Draught | |
Draught Winter | |
Draught Tropical |