IMO: 9835173|
VIVIT DUBHE (IMO: 9835173) is a Gas Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Liberia. VIVIT DUBHE was built in 2019. VIVIT DUBHE vessel length overall (LOA) is 228.48m, beam is 36m.
Year of Build | 2019 (7 years old) |
Main Engine | |
Main Engine Builder | |
Scrubber |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
AEOLIAN PEARL | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.0 | DAE SUN SHIPBUILDING & ENGINEERING CO LTD | North America East Coast |
ALBERT II | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.6 | LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A | US Gulf |
ALBERT III | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.6 | LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A | Caribbean Sea |
BW BALDER | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | North America West Coast |
BW BRAGE | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South Pacific Ocean |
BW CARINA | Gas tanker | 225.17 | 36.6 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | West Mediterranean Sea |
BW FREYJA | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South America West Coast |
BW FRIGG | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | North Asia (Japan, Korea) |
BW GEMINI | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.6 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South America West Coast |
BW LEO | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.59 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
BW LIBRA | Gas tanker | 225.17 | 36.6 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South America East Coast |
BW NJORD | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | North Asia (Japan, Korea) |
BW ORION | Gas tanker | 225.17 | 36.6 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | Caribbean Sea |
BW TUCANA | Gas tanker | 225.15 | 36.59 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South America West Coast |
BW VAR | Gas tanker | 225.22 | 36.64 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South Asia |
BW VOLANS | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.6 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | US Gulf |
GAS AL AHMADIAH | Gas tanker | 228.45 | 36.6 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
GAS AL MUBARAKIAH | Gas tanker | 228.45 | 36.6 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
GAS UMM AL ROWAISAT | Gas tanker | 228.45 | 36.6 | Red Sea & Persian Gulf | |
GAS WISDOM | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
GAS YOUNG | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE TUAS BOULEVARD YARD | South Asia |
GAS ZENITH | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | North Pacific |
G DOLCE | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.6 | Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry - CSSC | South America West Coast |
GLOBE IRIS | Gas tanker | 230.0 | 32.25 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | North Pacific |
GLOBE POLARIS | Gas tanker | 228.59 | 36.6 | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) | |
G SPIRIT | Gas tanker | 225.0 | 36.6 | ZHOUSHAN XINYA SHIPYARD CO.,LTD | North Pacific |
HELLAS GLADIATOR | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.6 | LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A | South America West Coast |
HELLAS HERCULES | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.6 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | South Asia |
HELLAS POSEIDON | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.6 | HJ Shipbuilding & Construction Company, Ltd. | South America West Coast |
HELLAS SPARTA | Gas tanker | 225.12 | 36.6 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD TUAS | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
HLS AMBER | Gas tanker | 228.4 | 36.6 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | North Asia (Japan, Korea) |
JIA YUAN | Gas tanker | 225.21 | 36.64 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD TUAS | South America West Coast |
LUCKY GAS | Gas tanker | 230.0 | 32.25 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | North Pacific |
MADO | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | Indian Ocean | |
NAVIGARE GAIA | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
NAVIGARE GENEROSA | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | North Pacific |
NORTH GAS | Gas tanker | 230.0 | 32.25 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | South Africa |
ORIENTAL JUBILEE | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.63 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South America West Coast |
ORIENTAL KING | Gas tanker | 225.1 | 36.63 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | South Africa |
RED ADMIRAL | Gas tanker | 230.0 | 32.25 | Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan | South America West Coast |
SANSOVINO | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
SECRETO | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | SEMBCORP MARINE TUAS BOULEVARD YARD | South Africa |
SHAAMIT | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | South America West Coast |
SHAHRASTANI | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI | North America East Coast |
SHERGAR | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES GUNSAN SHIPYARD | Indian Ocean |
SILVIO | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.0 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD TUAS | South Africa |
SINNDAR | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | South America East Coast |
SPREAD EAGLE | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.64 | KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD TUAS | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
SUNSTAR | Gas tanker | 225.13 | 36.0 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | Indian Ocean |
TP PERSEVERANCE | Gas tanker | 225.16 | 36.6 | ASTILLEROS CANARIOS SA (ASTICAN) | Caribbean Sea |
TP TENACITY | Gas tanker | 225.16 | 36.6 | SEMBCORP MARINE ADMIRALITY YARD | South Africa |
VIVIT ALTAIS | Gas tanker | 229.95 | 32.0 | ZHOUSHAN XINYA SHIPYARD CO.,LTD | North Sea / Atlantic |
VIVIT FORNAX | Gas tanker | 228.48 | 36.0 | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) | |
VIVIT THUBAN | Gas tanker | 229.95 | 32.0 | ZHOUSHAN XINYA SHIPYARD CO.,LTD | West Mediterranean Sea |
WHITE CLIFFS | Gas tanker | 230.0 | 32.25 | Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRDD) | South America West Coast |