IMO: 9858072|
BULLDOG (IMO: 9858072) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Singapore. BULLDOG was built in 2020. BULLDOG vessel length overall (LOA) is 182.5m, beam is 32m.
Year of Build | 2020 (6 years old) |
Main Engine | |
Main Engine Builder | |
Scrubber |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
BASSET | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | Zhoushan Huafeng Shipyard | Indian Ocean |
BEAGLE | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | MITSUBISHI (MHI) KOYAGI (NAGASAKI) SHIPYARD | US Gulf |
BOXER | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | UNITHAI SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING LTD | South Asia |
HIGH LEADER | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | NAMDOCK | North Pacific |
HIGH NAVIGATOR | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | Australia/Oceania | |
NORD JEWEL | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | South Asia | |
NORD JOY | Oil and chemical tanker | 182.5 | 32.0 | 6Sigma Marine | North America West Coast |