
SPARKY (IMO: 9909699) - Tug

IMO: 9909699|
New Zealand

SPARKY (IMO: 9909699) is a Tug registered and sailing under the flag of New Zealand. SPARKY was built in 2021. SPARKY vessel length overall (LOA) is 24.73m, beam is 13m.

IMO 9909699
MMSI 512009984
Callsign ZME7021
Type Tug
Length (m/ft) 24.7/81.1
Beam (m/ft) 13.0/42.7
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Year of Build 2021 (5 years old)
Scrubber Premium content, please contact us to get more details
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
55 Tugs 24.73 12.5 North Sea / Atlantic
AQUA NESTOR Tugs 24.73 12.5
AQUA POLLUX Tugs 24.73 12.5 North Sea / Atlantic
BU TINAH Tugs 24.73 12.5 DAMEN SONG CAM SHIPYARD Red Sea & Persian Gulf
DAMEN SONG CAM 514006 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 514007 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515033 Tugs 24.73 12.5 South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
DAMEN SONG CAM 515034 Tugs 24.73 12.5 South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
DAMEN SONG CAM 515036 Tugs 24.73 12.5 South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
DAMEN SONG CAM 515040 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515041 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515042 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515043 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515044 Tugs 24.73 12.5
DAMEN SONG CAM 515045 Tugs 24.73 12.5
FAIRPLAY 90 Tug 25.0 13.0 Bredo old Baltic Sea
MED ALDEBARAN Tugs 24.73 12.5 DAMEN SONG CAM SHIPYARD West Mediterranean Sea
VB ENDEAVOUR Tugs 24.73 12.5 Bredo old North Sea / Atlantic
VOLTA 1 Tugs 24.73 12.5 DAMEN SONG CAM SHIPYARD North Sea / Atlantic
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Breadth Moulded Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Winter Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Tropical Please log in or register to see more information


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Year Of Built Please log in or register to see more information
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