
Kun He You 77 (IMO: 9923889) - TANKERS

IMO: 9923889

Kun He You 77 (IMO: 9923889) is a TANKERS. Kun He You 77 vessel length overall (LOA) is 140.2m, beam is 20.8m.

IMO 9923889
Length (m/ft) 140.2/460.0
Beam (m/ft) 20.8/68.2
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
HENG XING FEN JIN Oil and chemical tanker 140.0 21.0
HUA SHUN 298 Tankers 139.75 20.8
HUA SHUN 398 Tankers 139.75 20.8
JIN SHUN YOU 19 Tankers 139.75 20.8
LU TAI 11 Oil and chemical tanker 149.0 20.8
SHENG YOU 238 Oil and chemical tanker 129.93 20.8
SHENG YOU 251 Oil and chemical tanker 139.75 20.8
XIN MING DA 26 Tankers 139.75 20.8
YARD: JIANGSU HAITONG HULL: 170 Oil and chemical tanker 139.75 20.8


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