
WILHELMSHAVEN EXPRESS (IMO: 9943918) - Container Ship

IMO: 9943918|

WILHELMSHAVEN EXPRESS (IMO: 9943918) is a Container Ship. WILHELMSHAVEN EXPRESS vessel length overall (LOA) is 399.9m, beam is 61m.

IMO 9943918
Type Container Ship
Length (m/ft) 399.9/1,312.0
Beam (m/ft) 61.0/200.1
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Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
BANGKOK EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
BERLIN EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South Africa
BUSAN EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard Indian Ocean
DAMIETTA EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
GDANSK EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South Africa
GENOVA EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0
HAMBURG EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard West Africa
HANOI EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South Africa
MANILA EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard South Asia
ROTTERDAM EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0
SINGAPORE EXPRESS Container ship 399.9 61.0 Hanwha - Okpo Shipyard Indian Ocean


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