
Fast4Ward MPF No. 4 (IMO: 9944673) - TANKERS

IMO: 9944673

Fast4Ward MPF No. 4 (IMO: 9944673) is a TANKERS. Fast4Ward MPF No. 4 vessel length overall (LOA) is 335m, beam is 30m.

IMO 9944673
Length (m/ft) 335.0/1,099.1
Beam (m/ft) 30.0/98.4
Next Port of Call:
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
ALEXANDRE DE GUSMAO Oil and chemical tanker 335.0 28.4 COSCO (QIDONG) OFFSHORE CO., LTD South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
ALMIRANTE TAMANDARE Offshore vessel 333.0 60.0 China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. South America East Coast
Fast4Ward MPF D Tankers 335.85 60.0
FAST4WARD MPF NO C Tankers 335.85 60.0 South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
FPSO SEPETIBA Oil and chemical tanker 335.21 30.0 KEPPEL OFFSHORE - FELS BRAZIL South America East Coast
JAGUAR Tankers 334.2 60.0 South Asia
LIZA UNITY Oil and chemical tanker 333.0 30.0 KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD TUAS South America East Coast
ONE GUYANA Offshore vessel 333.0 60.0 KEPPEL OFFSHORE & MARINE LTD-FELS South Asia
PROSPERITY Oil and chemical tanker 333.0 30.02 KEPPEL MARINE SHIPYARD BENOI South America East Coast
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