
HL NAMBU 1 (IMO: 9944869) - Bulk Carrier

IMO: 9944869|
Jamaica | Manager:  Please log in or register to see more information

HL NAMBU 1 (IMO: 9944869) is a Bulk Carrier. HL NAMBU 1 vessel length overall (LOA) is 291.9m, beam is 45m.

IMO 9944869
MMSI 538010220
Callsign V7A5767
Type Bulk Carrier
Length (m/ft) 291.9/957.7
Beam (m/ft) 45.0/147.6
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Next Port of Call: KRHDG
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Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
HL ECO Bulk carrier 292.0 45.0 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) Australia/Oceania
HL GREEN Bulk carrier 292.0 45.0 North Asia (Japan, Korea)
HL NAMBU 2 Bulk carrier 291.9 45.0 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) South Asia
HL OCEANIC Bulk carrier 292.0 45.0 Australia/Oceania
HL SUNNY Bulk carrier 292.0 45.0 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) Australia/Oceania
Position updated: Please log in or register to see more information Destination: Please log in or register to see more information ETA: Please log in or register to see more information


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Draught Winter Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Tropical Please log in or register to see more information


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