
NEW ALLIANCE (IMO: 9953901) - Oil And Chemical Tanker

IMO: 9953901|
Hong Kong

NEW ALLIANCE (IMO: 9953901) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker. NEW ALLIANCE vessel length overall (LOA) is 250m, beam is 44m.

IMO 9953901
MMSI 636021961
Callsign 5LGN7
Type Oil And Chemical Tanker
Length (m/ft) 250.0/820.2
Beam (m/ft) 44.0/144.4
Current Draught Please log in or register to see more information
Next Port of Call: CAVAN
Class Expire Date Please log in or register to see more information
Builder Dalian Shipyard unclear
Main Engine Please log in or register to see more information
Main Engine Builder Please log in or register to see more information
Scrubber Premium content, please contact us to get more details
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
AL BATEEN Oil and chemical tanker 249.83 44.04 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD West Africa
AL FALAH Oil and chemical tanker 249.83 44.0 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD Red Sea & Persian Gulf
AL KHTAM Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD South Asia
AL RUWAIS Oil and chemical tanker 249.83 44.0 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD Red Sea & Persian Gulf
JARNAIN Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD South East Asia (China, Vietnam)
MARLIN LAGOS Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 Dalian Shipyard (CSSC) North Asia (Japan, Korea)
MARLIN LA PLATA Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 West Mediterranean Sea
MARLIN LOME Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 South Africa
MARLIN LORETO Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 Dalian Shipyard (CSSC) North Sea / Atlantic
NEW AMITY Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industrial - CSSC South Pacific Ocean
NEW ARGOSY Oil and chemical tanker 250.0 44.0 Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industrial - CSSC North Asia (Japan, Korea)
SHANHAIGUAN T110K-7 Tankers 243.0 44.0
SHANHAIGUAN T110K-8 Tankers 243.0 44.0
TARIF Oil and chemical tanker 249.83 44.0 COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD South Asia
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Length Overall Please log in or register to see more information
Length Bp Please log in or register to see more information
Breadth Moulded Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Winter Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Tropical Please log in or register to see more information


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