
RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd.         96361服务商

RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd.

Vancouver, Canada

RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd. is a subsidiary of RINA S.p.A., a global company that provides testing, inspection, certification, and consulting services.<br /><br />The Vancouver office of RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd. offers a range of services related to marine and offshore industries, including classification, certification, and verification of ships and offshore structures.<br /><br />The company has a team of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in various areas of marine engineering, naval architecture, and offshore technology.<br /><br />RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd. is committed to providing high-quality services that meet the needs of its clients and comply with international standards and regulations.<br /><br />The company has a strong focus on safety, environmental protection, and sustainability, and works closely with its clients to ensure that their operations are safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible.<br /><br />RINA Classification and Certification Canada Ltd. has a global network of offices and partners, which allows it to provide services to clients around the world.更多信息

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