
EVERGREEN MARINE CORP         45351船舶管理人



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EVERGREEN MARINE CORPORATION (TAIWAN) LTD. (EMC) has secured its place in shipping history. Since those early days, it has not only survived, but positively thrived on hard-work and perseverance, until today it boasts a fleet of over 160 container vessels. Both in terms of the magnitude of its fleet and its cargo loading capacity, EMC ranks among the world's leading international shipping companies.With 315 service locations, EMC covers 114 countries with its shipping network. Evergreen's network includes several east-west routes linking southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, Korea and Japan with the east and west coasts of the US. It also provides services from Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia to Europe and the Mediterranean. EMC's containerships link Asia with Africa and South America and Europe with the east coast of the US and are deployed on a range of intensive sailing routes throughout Asia. They travel to India, the Middle East and the Red Sea, as well as sailing on the north-south route linking Asia with Australia. Evergreen provides a full container service linking the east coast of the US with the east coast of South America and Panama with the west coast of South America. Besides the main routes, regular feeder services in the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent are also provided, shortening delivery times and thereby benefiting cargo owners. To ensure the safe sailing of its vessels and to prevent casualties and pollution at sea, Evergreen established the Evergreen Seafarer Training Center in 1999. It is equipped with the world's largest Main Engine Quarter Scale Model, the world's third NORCONTROL Engine Room Simulator and a 360 degree Projection Theater Bridge Simulator. Apart from the brand-new, state-of-the-art hardware training facilities, the center also provides medical training and computer-aided instruction. It aims to train seafarers to take a professional approach to achieving the missions of sea-shipping transportation: human safety, vessel safety and cargo safety. In recognition of its efforts in this arena, Evergreen was awarded the Lloyd's List Maritime Excellence Award for Commitment to Training and Education in 2003. In the age of the new economy, which brings with it speed, efficiency and knowledge, the application of internet technology is the key to success. Evergreen works hard to stay at the forefront of technology trends and has developed comprehensive digital systems which give it a command of market situations. It has launched numerous e-business services by integrating the information systems of all service sites as well as those of its suppliers. Electronic sailing schedules allow customers to search for services by port or region and provide them with up-to-date information on departures and arrivals. Cargo tracking gives them detailed, real-time shipment information and they are able to upload their bill of lading online. In 2003, Evergreen was awarded the first annual award for E-commerce Excellence by LOG-NET which honors its outstanding E-commerce service.更多信息隐藏

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