
JAMES FISHER & SONS PLC         47132船舶管理人

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James Fisher and Sons Orders Four Advanced LNG-Enabled Vessels


发布人 Raghib (3 days ago)


James Fisher and Sons plc has placed an order for four advanced vessels from China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (Yangzhou) Dingheng Co Ltd, reinforcing its focus on innovation and sustainability in maritime operations. This development is part of the company’s broader strategy to create a “fleet of the future” that aligns with global environmental goals. The new tankers are designed to transport oil products and IMO Class II chemicals while incorporating LNG dual-fuel propulsion technology, significantly reducing CO2 emissions and minimizing environmental impact over time. The vessels will build upon the sustainable features of Sir John Fisher and Lady Maria Fisher, the company’s recent fleet additions.

Key elements include optimized hull design, waste heat recovery systems utilizing cooling water and exhaust gases, 100% LED lighting, and environmentally controlled engine room fans. These features aim to enhance fuel efficiency and lower emissions during operationsIn addition to these existing innovations, the new vessels will include further energy-efficient measures to address emissions, particularly during port operations, further cementing the company’s commitment to sustainability.


