IMO: 9669926|
LVM AARON (IMO: 9669926) 是一艘 Oil And Chemical Tanker 属于 Liberia. LVM AARON 建造于 2014. LVM AARON 船长(LOA) 是 183.1m, 船宽 32.21m.
IMO | 9669926 |
MMSI | 636016291 |
呼号 | D5FK3 |
类型 | Oil And Chemical Tanker |
长度(米/英尺) | 183.1/600.7 |
宽度(米/英尺) | 32.2/105.7 |
Current / Max Draught | |
Dead Weight | |
船舶经理 | |
船级分类 | |
保险人 | |
Next Port of Call: | Antwerp(BE ANR) |
最新检查日期 | |
Next Docking |
名称 | 种类 | 长度 | 宽度 | 上一次维修公司 | 现在所处海域 |
ELANDRA MELODY | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.14 | 32.2 | TORGEM SHIPYARD | West Africa |
GREEN PLANET | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.2 | TUZLA SHIPYARD | US Gulf |
GREEN SKY | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.21 | LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A | South America East Coast |
NAVE ALDERAMIN | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.0 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
NAVE AQUILA | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.15 | 32.0 | NAMDOCK | US Gulf |
NAVE ATRIA | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.0 | GEMAK SHIPYARD TUZLA | South America East Coast |
NAVE BELLATRIX | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.0 | TURKTER SHIPYARD | South America East Coast |
NAVE CAPELLA | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 30.0 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
NAVE ORION | Oil and chemical tanker | 183.1 | 32.0 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |