HVIDE SANDE Shipyard has specialised in building and maintenance of a wide range of vessels. Our experience is well-proven in custom-designed new builds in Steel, aluminium, fibreglass and wood, plus service, repair and our pit-stop service.morehide
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Currently 6 ships under constraction / orders for this company.
Please Visit new-ships.trusteddocks.com for the full information about the new-build market.
Waste Storage Room | Waste Materials |
Esbjerg Shipyard A/S is established by the initiative of a number of service companies related to the Port of Esbjerg, which is situated in the south west of Denmark with free access to the North Sea, Europe and Scandinavia. Esbjerg Shipyard customers are all types of vessels in Europe. All offshor ...
We are a german company specialised in ship-repair. Our services include steelworks, extension, completion of ship's interior, engine repair, pipeworks, painting, electric services and tank cleaning. Our company headquarter is in Husum at the German Northsea-coast. We offer the following services to ...
For over 65 years we have set the greatest store by the quality of our products and services and we guarantee our customers the services of a highly motivated team in a reliable and flexible business environment. Thanks to our ethos of commitment and the shipbuilding skills and expertise of our qual ...