Shipyards in Hai Phong Port
Max. Length: 1xx.x m | Max. Width: 2x.x m
Maritime service providers in Hai Phong Port
Vessel ETA
Vessel Name | Type | Length | Class Expires Date | Ship manager | Estimated time of arrival |
PACIFIC EXPRESS (9167851) | Container ship | ||||
BITUMEN HEIWA (9751121) | Other tanker | ||||
PACIFIC GRACE (9154828) | Container ship | ||||
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Vessel Schedule
Vessel Name | Type | Length | Class Expires Date | Ship manager | Schedule Time |
VIMC PIONEER (9167514) | Container ship | ||||
OOCL SAVANNAH (9404871) | Container ship | ||||
EVER CHASTE (9887009) | Container ship | ||||
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