IMO: 9366160|
COE ANNA (IMO: 9366160) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Germany. COE ANNA was built in 2012. COE ANNA vessel length overall (LOA) is 107.08m, beam is 18.2m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
DENIZ AKAY | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | DAMEN SHIPREPAIR CURACAO | West Mediterranean Sea |
FROLAND | General cargo ship | 106.98 | 18.2 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
HADELAND | General cargo ship | 106.97 | 18.2 | RIGA SHIPYARD | West Mediterranean Sea |
OCEAN CARRIER | General cargo ship | 106.96 | 18.2 | TALLINN SHIPYARD | Baltic Sea |
OCEAN TRADER | General cargo ship | 106.96 | 18.2 | LINDENAU WERFT GMBH | West Mediterranean Sea |
OPPLAND | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | ABP- SHORT SEA PORTS, EAST ANGLIA, SUFFOLK, IPSWICH | Baltic Sea |
OSLO CARRIER 2 | General cargo ship | 106.99 | 18.2 | DESAN SHIPYARD | East Mediterranean & Black Sea |
OSLO CARRIER 3 | General cargo ship | 107.04 | 18.2 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
ROGALAND | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | MORSKA STOCZNIA REMONTOWA GRYFIA S.A. | North Sea / Atlantic |
SEA CARRIER | General cargo ship | 107.01 | 18.2 | PREGOL SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
SEA STEAMER | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
UNILIGHT | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | HUSUMER DOCK UND REPARATUR GMBH & CO. KG | North Sea / Atlantic |
WAALBORG | General cargo ship | 106.97 | 18.2 | DAMEN SHIPREPAIR CURACAO | North Sea / Atlantic |
WARNOWBORG | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | TALLINN SHIPYARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
WESERBORG | General cargo ship | 106.97 | 18.2 | TALLINN SHIPYARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
WISLABORG | General cargo ship | 106.97 | 18.2 | ORSKOV YARD AS | US Gulf |