IMO: 9505560|
WISLABORG (IMO: 9505560) is a General Cargo Ship registered and sailing under the flag of Netherlands. WISLABORG was built in 2011. WISLABORG vessel length overall (LOA) is 106.97m, beam is 18.2m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
COE ANNA | General cargo ship | 107.08 | 18.2 | EDR Antwerp Shipyard | East Mediterranean & Black Sea |
DENIZ AKAY | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | DAMEN SHIPREPAIR CURACAO | West Mediterranean Sea |
FROLAND | General cargo ship | 106.98 | 18.2 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
HADELAND | General cargo ship | 106.97 | 18.2 | RIGA SHIPYARD | West Mediterranean Sea |
OCEAN CARRIER | General cargo ship | 106.96 | 18.2 | TALLINN SHIPYARD | Baltic Sea |
OCEAN TRADER | General cargo ship | 106.96 | 18.2 | LINDENAU WERFT GMBH | West Mediterranean Sea |
OPPLAND | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | ABP- SHORT SEA PORTS, EAST ANGLIA, SUFFOLK, IPSWICH | Baltic Sea |
OSLO CARRIER 2 | General cargo ship | 106.99 | 18.2 | DESAN SHIPYARD | East Mediterranean & Black Sea |
OSLO CARRIER 3 | General cargo ship | 107.04 | 18.2 | NAUTA SA SHIPREPAIR YARD | North Sea / Atlantic |
UNILIGHT | General cargo ship | 107.0 | 18.2 | HUSUMER DOCK UND REPARATUR GMBH & CO. KG | North Sea / Atlantic |