IMO: 9382073|
ANTARES I (IMO: 9382073) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Liberia. ANTARES I was built in 2008. ANTARES I vessel length overall (LOA) is 179.88m, beam is 32m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
ARROW G | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.88 | 32.23 | ASRY - ARAB SHIPBUILDING & REPAIRYARD BAHRAIN | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
CELINE I | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.88 | 32.2 | DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
LERUO | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.88 | 32.2 | COSCO (NANTONG) SHIPYARD CO LTD | West Africa |
OLIVIA | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.88 | 32.2 | TUZLA SHIPYARD | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
PVT AVIRA | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.88 | 32.2 | ZHOUSHAN XINYA SHIPYARD CO.,LTD | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
WILLOWS | Oil and chemical tanker | 179.9 | 32.2 | COLOMBO DOCKYARD PLC | Indian Ocean |