IMO: 9407275|
CLEAROCEAN FUYO (IMO: 9407275) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of Liberia. CLEAROCEAN FUYO was built in 2008. CLEAROCEAN FUYO vessel length overall (LOA) is 228.6m, beam is 32.26m.
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
AGILE | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | 6Sigma Marine | Indian Ocean |
ALORA | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.29 | IMC SHIPYARD (ZHOUSHAN) CO., LTD. | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
CAPE TAFT | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A | US Gulf |
CAPE TALLIN | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | BULYARD SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY EAD | Caribbean Sea |
CAPE TAMPA | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | LLOYD WERFT BREMERHAVEN GMBH | Caribbean Sea |
CAPE TAURA | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.0 | CERNAVAL SHIPYARD (STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR) | US Gulf |
CAPE TEES | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | Chengxi Shipyard (XINRONG) CSSC | US Gulf |
CAPE TEMPEST | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.0 | CRIST SA | Caribbean Sea |
CLEAROCEAN FUKU | Oil and chemical tanker | 228.6 | 32.26 | YIU LIAN DOCKYARDS (SHEKOU) LTD | US Gulf |