IMO: 9744893|
United Kingdom
STOLT CALLUNA (IMO: 9744893) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker registered and sailing under the flag of United Kingdom. STOLT CALLUNA was built in 2017. STOLT CALLUNA vessel length overall (LOA) is 184.91m, beam is 28.4m.
IMO | 9744893 |
MMSI | 232008100 |
Callsign | MBAU8 |
Type | Oil And Chemical Tanker |
Length (m/ft) | 184.9/606.7 |
Beam (m/ft) | 28.4/93.2 |
Current / Max Draught | |
Deadweight (t) | |
Manager | |
Insurer | |
Next Port of Call: | Dakar(SN DKR) |
Last Docking | |
Class Expire Date |
Sister Vessels
Name | Type | Length | Width | Last Shipyard | Actual Sailingarea |
STOLT ALM | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.4 | ASTILLEROS DE SANTANDER S.A. ASTANDER | South America West Coast |
STOLT APAL | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.45 | ODESSOS SHIPREPAIR YARD SA | North Pacific |
STOLT EBONY | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.4 | WESTERN SHIPREPAIR YARD | South America West Coast |
STOLT LERK | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.45 | ASRY - ARAB SHIPBUILDING & REPAIRYARD BAHRAIN | Red Sea & Persian Gulf |
STOLT LIND | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.45 | WESTERN SHIPREPAIR YARD | South Asia |
STOLT MAPLE | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.45 | NEW TIMES SHIPBUILDING CO. LTD | West Africa |
STOLT PALM | Oil and chemical tanker | 185.0 | 28.45 | NEW TIMES SHIPBUILDING CO. LTD | South East Asia (China, Vietnam) |
Current position and nearby shipyards
Length Overall | |
Length Bp | |
Breadth Registered | |
Breadth Moulded | |
Draught | |
Draught Winter | |
Draught Tropical |