
JIANGSU NEW HANTONG (IMO: 9903891) - Oil And Chemical Tanker

IMO: 9903891|

JIANGSU NEW HANTONG (IMO: 9903891) is a Oil And Chemical Tanker. JIANGSU NEW HANTONG vessel length overall (LOA) is 182.8m, beam is 32m.

IMO 9903891
Type Oil And Chemical Tanker
Length (m/ft) 182.8/599.7
Beam (m/ft) 32.0/105.0
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Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
BOW AQUARIUS Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.0 6Sigma Marine South Africa
BOW CAPRICORN Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.01 Chengxi Shipyard (XINRONG) CSSC North Sea / Atlantic
BOW GEMINI Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.0 Chengxi Shipyard (XINRONG) CSSC West Africa
BOW HERCULES Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.01 DRYDOCKS WORLD DUBAI Indian Ocean
CB ADRIATIC Oil and chemical tanker 182.79 32.0 LISNAVE ESTALEIROS NAVAIS S.A West Africa
CB BALTIC Oil and chemical tanker 182.81 32.0 ART SHIPYARD (formerly MYO DOCK) East Mediterranean & Black Sea
CB CARIBIC Oil and chemical tanker 182.78 32.0 North Sea / Atlantic
CB PACIFIC Oil and chemical tanker 182.78 32.0 North America East Coast
SC DRACO Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.0 Caribbean Sea
SC SCORPIO Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.0 North America East Coast
SC TAURUS Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 33.0 North Sea / Atlantic
SC VIRGO Oil and chemical tanker 182.8 32.0 US Gulf


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Draught Winter Please log in or register to see more information
Draught Tropical Please log in or register to see more information


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