
FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-6 (IMO: 9899466) - Specialized Cargo Ship

IMO: 9899466|

FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-6 (IMO: 9899466) is a Specialized Cargo Ship. FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-6 vessel length overall (LOA) is 141.3m, beam is 24.5m.

IMO 9899466
Type Specialized Cargo Ship
Length (m/ft) 141.3/463.6
Beam (m/ft) 24.5/80.4
Next Port of Call:
Name Type Length Width Last Shipyard Actual Sailingarea
BLOEMGRACHT Specialized cargo ship 141.3 24.5 MAWEI SHIPBUILDING LTD North Asia (Japan, Korea)
BORE WAVE Passenger ship 120.0 21.0 ORESUND HEAVY INDUSTRIES AB North Sea / Atlantic
BORE WAY Passenger ship 120.0 21.0 ORESUND HEAVY INDUSTRIES AB Baltic Sea
BORE WIND Passenger ship 120.0 21.0 ORESUND HEAVY INDUSTRIES AB Baltic Sea
BROUWERSGRACHT Specialized cargo ship 141.0 25.0 PAXOCEAN SHIPYARD PERTAMA South Asia
FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-3 Specialized cargo ship 141.3 24.5
FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-4 Specialized cargo ship 141.3 24.5
FUJIAN MAWEI MW456-5 Specialized cargo ship 141.3 24.5
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